
2015 Publication & Communication Commission Meeting Minutes

Sep 25, 2015

Sunday, June 21, 2015; 2.00pm – 5.00pm
Prague, Czech Republic - Clam-Gallas Palace (Small Lecture Hall)

Download Complete Meeting Minutes 


Members & Guests Present: 

[1.0] Welcome & Opening Remarks from the Chair
Carl Walling called the Publication & Communication Commission (PCC) meeting to order at 2.00p. Carl thanked everyone for their understanding with regards to new meeting time.

[2.0] Introductions
Introductions occurred and a sign-in sheet was passed around. Commission members were introduced to the five Taiwanese graduate students participating in the Core Strategy Project Initiative. Carl distributed paper copies of the meeting’s electronic document packet to those in attendance.

[3.0] Approval of the Meeting Agenda
The meeting’s agenda was sent out to commission members prior to the meeting. There were no additional items added to the meeting’s agenda.

[4.0] Approval of the October 2014 Meeting Minutes (Taipei)
Carl reviewed the October 2014 meeting minutes from Taipei. Carl emphasized that several PCC members and arts management professionals gave presentations throughout OISTAT's Cultural Landmark & Its Communities Symposium.

Carl motioned to approve the minutes. Jerôme Maekelbergh seconded. The minutes were approved.

[5.0] Old Business: OISTAT Core Strategy Project [Carl Walling]
OISTAT's Core Strategy Project was launched during the Prague Quadrennial. Carl explained that the Core Strategy Project provides graduate students with an opportunity to learn about OISTAT as an international arts organization. Students will investigate the organization’s history, explore the organization’s decision-making process and network with members of OISTAT’s Executive Committee, Headquarters and PCC.

Five graduate students studying arts management at National Taiwan Normal University attended the PCC meeting (along with other commission meetings and OISTAT Celebration Day). Carl provided the project’s educational framework in the meeting’s electronic document packet, which was sent out to the commission's membership before the meeting. Earlier in the week, Carl met with headquarters to discuss the project’s current schedule and educational trajectory.

Commission members reviewed the project's history. Carl explained that the project was intended to be a collaboration amongst three participating universities. Several commission members asked questions about the project. Carl clarified how PCC became involved during the Taipei commission meeting. Bert Determann and Kathy Hong provided additional information about the project’s beginnings.

Carl noted that if the Core Strategy Project is successful, the project may be relaunched with several universities collaborating together. If the project runs a second time, there will be a call sent out for participants. A subcommittee was formed to provide feedback throughout the process.

Subcommittee: Carl Walling, Wanjung Wei, Jerôme Maekelbergh, Jan Rolnik and Richart Bauer with possible involvement from Tom Burch and William Kenyon.

[5.1] Ongoing Projects: World Scenography
World Scenography 1990-2005 (Volume 2) was launched during the OISTAT's Cultural Landmark & Its Communities Symposium in October 2014.

Edited by Eric Fielding and Peter McKinnon, World Scenography 1990-2005 (Volume 2) continues the extensive work of World Scenography 1975-1990. A perusal copy is available in the Prague Quadrennial publications exhibition room adjacent to the meeting.

The book was nominated for the 2015 Prague Quadrennial Best Scenography Publication Award.

If the future, the commission’s membership wants to chart sales data and consider new methods in marketing OISTAT publications. Carl will investigate about this further in the upcoming months.

[5.2] Ongoing Projects: Digital Theatre Words [Jerôme Maeckelbergh]
Jerôme provided an overview of Digital Theatre Words for those in attendance. The app versions of Digital Theatre Words supports iOS 6.0 devices or later (compatible with iPhones and iPads) or Android 4.4.1 devices. The free trial version allows users to sample the translation dictionary with twenty complementary searches. A “flash sale” occurred during OISTAT Celebration Day.

Jerôme wants to the project to continue in the foreseeable future. However, he would like to pass the project to an interested OISTAT member by World Stage Design 2017.

PCC members briefly discussed the advantages of continuing "flash sales" for Digital Theatre Words during OISTAT Centre conferences (similar to the OISTAT Celebration Day sale). Additional sales may stimulate the app's visibility with OISTAT Centres.

[6.0] New Business
Carl opened the floor for discussion of new business.

[6.1] OISTAT Communications (Information Sharing, Web Resources and Publicity)
The commission discussed issues regarding information sharing methods and OISTAT communications. These topics came up during several OISTAT meetings during the Prague Quadrennial, particularly during the open Executive Committee session during OISTAT Celebration Day.  

OISTAT Headquarters plans to electronically distribute the newsletter on a monthly basis. Carl asked PCC members to contribute or share information from their local OISTAT Centres when possible.

Irena Šentevska advocated for frequent e-mail updates from OISTAT, perhaps as short e-mails updating OISTAT members about current news and events.

Resulting from the commission’s conversations, the commission will develop a "welcome" letter for OISTAT members to share with colleagues. The idea developed from discussions about generating new individual members. Subcommittee: Irena Šentevska, Carl Walling and Wanjung Wei.

[6.2] Arts Administration Exploratory Committee Proposal [Carl Walling]
Carl proposed that the commission explore the potential for arts management professionals and students to participate in OISTAT. This initiative stems from the successful Cultural Landmark & Its Communities Symposium.

The commission agreed to explore the inclusion of arts management professionals and students with OISTAT’s activities. There were no objections to the proposal and a subcommittee was formed to gauge interest from OISTAT's membership. Subcommittee:  Monique Corbeil & Carl Walling.
[6.3] OISTAT Centres Journal Information [Carl Walling]
The commission plans to develop an academic journal database on the PCC webpage. The database will focus on peer-reviewed journals from OISTAT Centres (such as TD&T or Blue Pages).

The database will include journal information, including review submission guidelines (if open submission). It is possible that the database could include non-OISTAT Centre journals focusing on design and technology; however, the intention is gather information first from OISTAT Centres with active journals.

[6.4] Bibliography of Theatre Arts & Publications Promotion [Carl Walling]
There was discussion about the Research Commission’s Bibliography of Theatre Arts Project. This was a developed by the Research Commission with Carl serving as the point person. It seems that the project should be a collaboration between PCC and Research Commission. Discussion followed. Carl will talk with the new Research Commission chair about their interest with the project.

[7.0] Future Commission Meetings
Carl proposed that the commission schedule two meetings prior to World Stage Design 2017.

The first meeting would be business meeting in the Spring or Summer of 2016. The second meeting would be a business meeting in Spring 2017.

The second meeting would be PCC’s official business meeting during the WSD 2017 year. The meeting’s goal would be to facilitate any commission business prior to WSD 2017, particularly in regards to events or programs that PCC would be responsible during WSD 2017.

Carl proposed returning to Taipei in March 2016. The meeting would coincide with the Core Strategy Project’s final presentation & the Executive Committee meetings.  However, he encouraged PCC members for their own ideas for meeting locations. Commission members expressed minimal interest in returning to Taipei in 2016.

Several members inquired about the United States Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT) National Conference. Members noted that they will be in attendance due to other commitments. Carl explained that he would be willing to make inquiries with USITT; however, USITT has invited the Performance Design Commission for the Salt Lake City Conference in March 2016. It might not be possible to arrange a business meeting location. Additionally, the meeting may be member-funded.

During the discussion, commission members were willing to provide support to conference activities in exchange for the meeting location. Gabriele Högg mentioned that she would be willing to contact USITT Executive Director, David Grindle, supporting the commission’s request. Carl will make inquiries.

Jerôme offered a potential location in Belgium for a future commission meeting.

Carl encouraged members to consider future commission business meeting locations in early 2017 (January – May). This meeting would be the "official" business meeting during the World Stage Design year.

[8.0] Announcements
Carl encouraged PCC members to participate in the Core Strategy Project student meeting after the meeting’s adjournment.

[9.0] Adjournment
The meeting adjourned. There was a ten minutes break between the commission meeting and the Core Strategy Project student meeting.